18 June 2012

Il pleut. Il pleut fort.

Describe the rain, I told myself as I tried to sleep at almost five in the morning, describe that heavy rain pouring right now as it has never been described before.

I knew it was futile to vie for originality. I was stuck for a long time and I got disheartened when I thought that if this or that writer were to do something similar, s/he would have an awesome answer in just a few seconds.

Maybe the rain drops pelting on the roof are the water balls that two warring tribes of cloud sprites hurtle towards one another. Or perhaps they are the molten slivers of icestones used for building ice castles in the sky.

Perhaps the heavy rain is the sigh of relief you cannot take, every drop that reaches you pushes you further into the skin you long to escape from.

Maybe he pattering of the rain is the only thing offering a symmetry, a balance, amid the discord inside your mind. The rain coming drop after drop against the roof, you listen and you savor the rhythmic sound, the imagined smell, willing it not to end so soon.

Meh. XD

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