Hi, my name is Riza. Your typical millennial at 26 (holyshi--!), I am currently struggling with adulthood and finding my life's purpose. I work for the government and write for a living, dreaming of traveling the world and chasing stories. I find comfort in solitude, books, long-term friendships and quiet companionship. 

Extra Riz is an ode to the Filipino meal staple. Like a savory meal that demands an extra cup of rice, life, for me, should be relished and experienced with gusto. Previously nahuhulagpos*, Extra Riz is my little home in the internets.

hulagpos n. getting loose from something that ties or binds
Strictly speaking, the correct present participle is “humuhulagpos.” But “nahuhulagpos” got stuck in my head, after a humanities professor when I was a college freshie equated it to being fed up or being in a state of frustration. Maybe I heard the term wrongly, maybe I remembered the meaning differently as he explained it. In any case, “nahuhulagpos” posits both a positive and negative connotation to me, and somehow worked.